and monitoring activity

Until today, constructors have had difficulties to keep information stored in the long run. They are used to taking pictures, punctual measurement and base their analysis in case of sinistres, based on a theoretical As-Built Model, which is often not updated after finalizing the construction.

How it works

As of today, technology allows to capture the real As-Built through powerful Laserscanners. Based on data captured on the site, the constructor and all of it’s sub-contractors will have instant access to a data-base filled with As-Built Data captures systematically executed inside and outside of the building, at a specific moment, or on demand.

The exploit of this data can produce an up-value for quality of execution, proof of the quality, updating As-Built Plans without even taking a step on the construction and many other benefits.

Space Time acts as a support agent to their clients, and have the knowledge and capacity to execute many different kinds of analysis, which will help their clients to save up costs, which until today could not be easily justified, but had to be accepted.

We don’t accept the unknown, this is why we support the whole sector to get more precise masses and measurements, to better understand the reality of the execution.