Capturing data, for Space Time, is only the peak of the iceberg. Space Time has proven it’s expertise in many different sections of data capture, like dynamic and static 3D scanning, infrared inspections, as well as capturing air-quality with appropriate sensors.

The captured data constitutes the base for the most interesting part of the data-exploit:

How it works

Based on data captured in any site (Buildings, Mines, Forests, Construction sites and road infrastructure), our developers and researchers at SpaceTime have the necessary capabilities to treat the data with highly effective algorithms, crunching numbers until the researched goal is reached.

Data Analysis constitutes one of the pillar of our researches, because it allows not only to sort and order data, but also to point out previously invisible or undiscovered information, extracted out of a google of data-bytes.

The most difficult task is mainly to define the scope of the data analysis. This is why Space Time puts a lot of effort into understanding their client’s needs, and provides them with a premature vision of the possibilities that Space Time’s researchers can provide as results. By refining the goal slightly in the process, we together can reach cutting-edge results.